A Bilingual Solo Performance by 

Lushin Dubey

based on Pinki Virani's Best Seller  (True Stories based on the traumas of abused children in India)

About `Theatre World`

Theater World is a stage group committed to originals and theatre with a message. It has grown out of the efforts of Lushin Dubey and Bubbles Sabharwal, the creative duo who poineered Kids World. Since 1987, Kids world has delighted children and parents alike. Under the banner of Theatre World were staged 'Runaways', 'Women in Black', 'The Life of Gautama Buddha', 'Untitled' and now 'Bitter Chocolate'. These productions have been Staged in India and overseas… 'Untitled' and 'Bitter Choclolate' are in fact slated for further International travel this year.