Original Lyrics from one of Our Production's "Matilda"


Now Matilda
all of 8 yrs old
had conquered books
& territories untold
Her parents couldn't
strange happenings at
The house
a twilight zone of
School was next
on Life's long agenda
her parents sent her
hoping it would mend her
But she was a warrior
of the Ravens Clan
Destiny would mould
in her pint sized hand.
At last she met
a kindered spirit
who could read
her soul

Listen song

Miss Honey she was
mother, mentor & guide
to little Matilda
always by her side
she held out
& promises
So when she entered
school's ominous gates
where shadows lurked
behind tyrant desks & slates
where tyrant Trunchbull's bark
curled around the park
to devour little childen
like a shark
But .... (pause)
Miss Honey she stood out
though frail & thin
more than a teacher
she was a - (pause)
thoroughbread academician
Together they waged
a war & made a pact
to demolish Evil
& keep all children intact!
(Sung by Tara Baswani)

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