A Theatre World Production
A Solo Performance by 

Lushin Dubey

Based on Dario Fo's "MEDEA" and on a story by  विजयदान देथा Directed By Arvind Gaur

Performed in the Nehru Center, London, U.K.

From: Nehrucentre@aol.com
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2005 13:19:20 EST
Subject: Lushin Dubey: 2 and 3 March 2005
To: lushinpdubey@yahoo.com

Dear Lushin,

I thought I should let you know that I was absolutely enthralled by your performance in the play, Untitled. Very rarely have I seen such a range of emotions conveyed with such dramatic effect.

I was particularly impressed by your tonal and facial expressions to suit the different characters, both and male and female, that you portrayed. The cumulative impact was exceptionally powerful and authentic.

I am glad you and Pradeep are reading my book and, enjoying it. It was wonderful to have you in London, and I look toward to meeting you on your next visit.

Warm regards,


The Nehru Centre
8, South Audley Street
Tel: 020 7491 3567/493 2019
Fax: 020 7409 3360
E-mail: nehrucentre@btconnect.com
Website: www.nehrucentre.org

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